Friday, September 22, 2006

Orion visits the Local Elementary School
June, 2006
Today Orion was a surprise guest at my daughter's school! Her class had just started reading Thunder from the Sea which features a Newf as an important character, so we thought this was the best time for a visit. Her teacher and I planned the visit and kept dear daughter in the dark (VBG). So, after his grooming and a nice long walk this morning, we put on his new backpack loaded with books, and his fancy bib from Newf Emporium, and off we went. We talked about newfie anatomy (why they have flews and jowls, webbed feet and a rudder tail), talked about his training and the Delta Society, Newfie temperament, and their search and rescue abilities, ending with showing the photos from Hugger to the Rescue. Then we asked the children (who were leaning on him and hugging him) to go to their seats and we proceeded to walk around and spend a few moments with each child. He behaved marvelously, I was very happy with him. Some kids who were previously afraid of dogs were put at ease when they fed him a frozen green bean or carrot.
Since several of the teachers, the secretaries and the nurse remembered when I first got him, they were thrilled to see him at almost two years old. My, how he had grown!
I'm afraid I didn't get any photos since we were a bit busy.

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