Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Most Deserving Newf

Hi all, This is Orion here.
Since you all thought I was very deserving of my Eggs Benedict yesterday, I thought I'd pass along that I had a a blueberry pancake and a sausage on my kibble this morning (Mom brought 5lbs of tiny blueberries from Nova Scotia this summer. Dad thought she was crazy, but she popped them in the freezer and has been adding them to her pancake batter. A little bit of Nova Scotia in my tummy! Yum!). I love Mom's pancakes, she even puts on a bit of maple syrup on mine (Dad does not). Then for dinner she served Chicken en Croute, which is chicken, Canadian Bacon, and a stuffing made of wild mushrooms, shallots, dates and pistachios (Mom made it up, she's so clever!) all wrapped up in a puff pastry. Mom had the meatless version (just the stuffing) and shared some of that with me, and one of my boys shared his chicken on my kibble. Mom says I earn my keep by just being so darned cute. I love it! Ahhh, life is good. I wonder what's for breakfast tomorrow.......

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