Tuesday, July 01, 2008

From Orion

I just wanted to let you how pleased I am that my humans brought me home my own dog. Although she has much to learn from me about being a totally cool, laid-back refined canine worthy of the Drulzelot title, she is coming along very nicely. What I particularly find useful is she makes a suitable 'taste tester", so I have employed her in that position. When Mom hands me a piece of cheese, I sniff it with my fine nose, and then I turn my head away. Mom then hands it to Aquila, and if she eats it, I know it is safe for me to ingest. Being royalty, you just can't trust anyone with your food. All royal canines should have their own taste-testers, in my humble opinion.

She's also a good toy-tester. If it's a good toy, she will play with it, which means it is good enough for me. Since she follows Mom everywhere, I don't have to, so I can leave my fine specimen of a self right where I am, usually in the primo spot on the kitchen floor where it is nice and cool. She has also decided to help me with my daily chore (I know, it is hard to understand the cruelty of these humans to make me do any kind of labor, but I do it to amuse them). It is my job to bring the newspaper down to the house.
Every morning the first activity of the day is for me to attend to my "toilet", and after that I amuse my dog with a game of tussle, then my humans head over to the driveway to collect the paper from the tube. We sit on the hill with Mom while Dad fetches the paper (hahaha!) and then Dad hands the paper to me and we all run down the hill to the house. Last week after Dad gave me the paper and we started down the hill, Aquila ran up to me and grabbed it. Even she understands One So Important as Myself should not be doing such work. Dad's solution? He brings yesterday's paper out, hands it to 'Kee, and gives me today's paper, this way we both have a newspaper to carry. Can't understand those humans.
Now I'm off for my after breakfast nap. I must do something about that Beastly Baby, it makes the most horric noise to disturb me from my slumber.....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Hi Count;

    Ricky here at the Newfie Nut House. I understand how you feel. My Mom and Dad are always expecting me to do "Stuff." While I'm not sure exactly what "Stuff" is, they are always wanting me to do "it." The other day, I had to "Behave." Now I know you're a Black, and may not understand the Landseer ethic, but "Behave" is not in my inventory of things to do. Oh Well what's a guy to do. I really approve of your "minion." I'm going to see if I can get Ethel or Oreo to be my minion, that would be great. The only question I have is, what if there is only one piece of cheese? Then what? I mean I'm a cheese affiniaco (sp?) too. What would you recommend in that situation?

    CMDRTED - Newfie Nut House
